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My First Art Show

September 30th, 2013 at 01:37 am

I'm finally going to enter my first art show in two weeks with the hopes of winning first prize, which is $1,000 or $500. I can't remember and I don't have the entry form in front of me.

Sadly, one of the reasons I'm entering the show is because it's free. Am I that cheap that I have never entered a show because of an entry fee? That's kind of sad.

Anyhoo, in addition to entering the show, artists can also sell their prints. I have my square card reader ready to take accept credit card payment.

Tomorrow I'll go to Jerry's Art and buy some frames, a few mats and plastic archival sleeves.

This expense wasn't in the budget, so I'm not saving too much with this paycheck. Hopefully I will win 1st, 2nd or 3rd place and sell a few prints.

Should be interesting and fun!

photo credit: iamarunner